Looking for a full-stack developer with a track record of success for your next project? Look no further! With 4 years of self-taught experience and graduation from top bootcamps Microverse and Moringa, I have the skills and passion to build stunning, scalable web applications. From small to large-scale projects, I have used React , Elixir and Phoenix to create solutions that delight users and drive results. So why settle for less when you can have the best? Let's build something great together
I am a software engineer and Full stack developer with Elixir , Phoenix Live View and React JS experience. I am also a Technical Writer
Over the last four years I have gained considerable professional experience in the technology industry . I am a graduate of Microverse, a remote International learning institution where I learned through pair programming and project building. We worked on many different technologies like HTML, CSS, JS, React, Postgresql, Ruby on Rails, and collaborated with developers across the globe . Additionally, I have completed a software development program at Moringa School which is the top programming school in Kenya.
I then started working on my own projects and exploring new technologies like Elixir , Phoenix , Next JS , Tailwind CSS , Docker and GraphQL
In the past year, I have been part of a team that won 2 Hackathons and 5 more start up competitions this year . . We have won a total of 12 competitions .
I have worked at Uamuzi , Amaris Digital Solutions and GS1 Kenya
as a full stack developer building web based solutions for real world projects.
I am currently at Podii ConsultantsThrough my experiences, I discovered my passion for teaching and mentoring others. Currently, I write technical articles on Medium
I have written a hex package that allows elixir devs in Kenya to integrate payments in their applications . You can check it out Chpter Hex Doc
These are some of my best projects , here I used React JS for my frontend , Elixir and Phoenix Live View for my backend and Tailwind CSS for Styling .
During the year 2022 , I was able to participate in various hackathons and won 2 of them. I was the lead backend engineer for a project called lifeline which provides quick access to medical records . This year , me and Kiprotich Kimutai , worked on Mche, which offers a comprehensive solution to smallholder farmers. We have so far won 5 awards with Mche . Collectively , I have won 10 awards in hackathons . I have travelled to Nigeria and to represent my country in a hackathon and was the First Runners Up in the Code Cash Crop Competition . We now have systems in the entertainment and fintech space with Lipia Ngoma and in the logistics space with Pataride .
I love documenting my work and teaching other developers as this is the way to learn, below are some of my articles on Medium
Reach out to me for any freelancing opportunities , contract work or just to say hi ! , I also offer mentorship to aspiring developers .